About us

Podgorina Voće
the leader in fruit production and processing

Podgorina Voće company has been operating and successfully developing since 2008.

The company’s main activity is plum purchase, drying, and processing. In addition, we purchase, freeze, and process fresh berries.


Production plant near the village of Lopatanj, surrounded by numerous plum orchards and raspberry plantations. The production is located in the immediate vicinity of almost all of our subcontractors, so the fruit path from the orchard to the cold storage is very short, ensuring quality consistency and maximum nutrient preservation.

Processing capacities

The processing capacities are built according to the latest technologies and consist of:


with 50 tons of fresh fruit per 24 hours capacity

Mechanical prune pitting line

with a 550 kg per hour capacity

Smakk package line

from 200g to 1kg

3 tunnel freezers

with 45 tons of fresh fruit per 24 hours capacity

2 frozen fruit storing chambers

with a 1200 tons capacity

Year of establishment
0 t
daily dryer capacity
0 t
cooling chamber capacity


Relying upon the idea of sustainable development and care for the immediate environment, our company provided all production employees with organized transportation. Namely, 40 employees travel from home to work and back in 4 adequate passenger vans that meet EURO 6 standards.

The plum drying process is carried out using compressed natural gas, ensuring minimal environmental impact.

The planned investment for 2023 includes installing modern roof solar panels, which will provide more than 1/3 of electricity from renewable sources.

Continuous training and support for subcontractors

The most critical link in the entire production chain is our subcontractors and local fruit manufacturers. To help them get a higher yield and healthy and safe fruit, we organize visits by fruit-growing experts who timely point to possible problems and the most efficient agrotechnical measures application.

Moreover, we provide supplements and protection agents. Through this rounded process, over 95% of the fruit produced by our subcontractors fulfills the status of an organic product.

Purchase from manufacturers

Our company purchases raspberries and blackberries exclusively from local manufacturers to preserve their freshness and quality.

We purchase fresh plums and prunes throughout Serbia, mostly from our regular and verified suppliers from the south of Serbia, who are known for growing plums of the highest quality and sweetness.